Investigations by country:

21. June 2020

Spain | Tarragona | Live exports by sea

A journalist is accompanying our investigators in Spain.

Our team is investigating in the Spanish export harbour Tarragona. We are accompanied by a journalist. Together we want to collect information about live export by sea from Spain. 

Currently, animals are loaded on export ships in Tarragona almost on a daily basis. The demand for live animals from the Middle East is very high at the moment because…

30. May 2020

Poland | Bodzentyn | Monthly Report May: Cattle and Horse Markets

The chickens are packed in groups of several into the bags. Some bags do not even have a ventilation hole.

Poland is gradually lifting some of the national restrictions related to COVID-19. Therefore, the town of Bodzentyn allows animal markets to re-open. Our team can now continue with their market inspections to ensure that the welfare of the animals at the market is respected. Obligations to keep social distance at least at two meters are still in…

08. April 2020

Hungary, Slovenia, Israel | Lamb exports by sea to non-European countries

Hungarian lambs after their arrival in the Israeli port of Haifa (Copyright: IALS).

Together with our partner organisation, Israel Against Live Shipments (IALS), we are documenting the export of Hungarian lambs to Israel. Our team finds out that on March 31, 2020 the Hungarian lambs will first be transported by truck to the Slovenian port of Koper.

In this port, the animals, which are between four and five months, are…

30. March 2020

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly Report March: Farm Animal Service

Lomno. A hematoma is causing the lameness of this horse.

This month, the work for our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team starts on a farm in Lomno. A mare on this farm is limping. We are inspection her hooves and find a hematoma. We disinfect and protect the wound with a spray. We will come back to trim the hooves after the wound healed.

Our next visit is on a farm in Nowy Jawor. We want to check whether…

13. March 2020

Poland | Koroszczyn, Korczowa | Training for Veterinary Inspection: Border and District Vets

On Tuesday, 10th of March, our team arrives at the border crossing in Koroszczyn to provide a training for border vets on the Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 in the context of  live exports. The Polish border is of strategic importance, as it is an exit/entry point from and into the EU. The audience for the training is selected by the Chief…

07. March 2020

Poland | Bodzentyn | Monthly Report March: Cattle Market

Bodzentyn cattle market. Our team reports a cow wiht overgrown claws to the veterinary inspection. She is also tied by the horns which can cause injury.

Our team is inspecting the cattle market in Bodzentyn. We estimate that there are about 300 animals on the market today. Like during our last inspections, most of the animals that are sold on the market are calves. We speculate that the farmers try to get subsidies for animal ownership from the government which is starting in May.  

We only notice…

05. March 2020

Australia | Horsemeat imports: Interview with informant Kathrin

We are talking to informant Kathrin about her two yearlings that were wrongfully slaughtered at Meramist abattoir.

We meet informant Kathrin (name changed), who wishes to remain anonymous. She tells us the story of how a woman acted as a front to obtain her two yearlings Peach and Archie by deception for a kill buyer.

Due to health problems, Kathrin decided to rehome her yearlings Peach and Archie to a good new home. A woman in Queensland had promised to look…

04. March 2020

Australia | Caboolture, Queensland | Horsemeat imports: Meramist abattoir

Electric shocks to the anus are routine (photo: confidential source).

Our team receives footage and an analysis of an undercover investigation at the Meramist abattoir. Today we meet with an informant who must remain anonymous for safety reasons. Covert cameras recorded the activities at the Meramist abattoir on 22 randomly selected slaughter days over a period of two years. Up to eight cameras documented the passage…

04. March 2020

Australia | New South Wales | Horsemeat imports: Interview with informant Margaret

Informant Margaret explains us the horse vendor declaration form.

In a small town in New South Wales, we meet Margaret, who has been investigating about the slaughter horse trade for a long time. She explains our team members that the current system of traceability for slaughter horses in Australia is unreliable, because it relies exclusively on the honesty of the owners and kill buyers. Margaret has previously…