Investigations by country:

29. September 2020

Poland | Bodzentyn, Lagow | Monthly Report September: Cattle and Horse Markets

Bodzentyn. Our team notices a cow with overgrown claws and reports this case to the competent authorities.

Our team is inspecting the animal markets in Bodzentyn and Lagow. At the horse market we do not see a single horse. It becomes ever more typical that there are no horses being sold at the Bodzentyn horse market anymore.

At the Lagow cattle market our team only documents three cows.  However, the traders keep haggling for over an hour. We hear the…

23. September 2020

Poland | Opoczno | Verdict in the case of an injured cow

The cow suffered heavily from an ingrown horn which caused chronic pain.

Today we are at court in Opoczno. We have been invited to a hearing on the verdict in an animal abuse case. A cow has been severely neglected by the owners. The animal suffered from an ingrown horn that caused chronic pain.

It has been a long fight for justice. In December 2018 our team found the injured animal during an inspection at the…

31. August 2020

Poland | Bodzentyn, Lagow | Monthly Report August: Cattle and Horse Markets

Lagow. For unknown reasons the market is closed today.

Our team is on their way to the cattle market in Lagow. We want to inspect the market for animal welfare violations. When we arrive, we are surprised to find out that the entrance to the market is closed. The market is not operating today. However, we cannot find out why. We will look into this and continue with our animal welfare inspections as…

31. August 2020

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report August: Farm Animal Service

Pokrzywianka. Helping suffering animals in need is our first our priority.

This year, our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team has been forced to pause their work for several months due to the coronavirus pandemic. Since July our team is out in the field again. However, many animals did not receive any trimming during our absence. Therefore, our farriers currently receive many calls from farmers asking for help.

Our first…

31. July 2020

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report July: Farm Animal Service

Michalow. Our team is placing a special horseshoe on a foal’s hoof. It turns out to be a quite challenging task.

The coronavirus crisis forced our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team to pause their work for three months. Finally, we can continue with our field work programme ATET. Our programme is focused on helping farm animals in need. Due to the long-enforced break, we receive a lot of calls this month from farmers asking for our help. The coronavirus crisis…

27. July 2020

Poland | Bodzentyn, Lagow | Monthly Report July: Cattle and Horse Markets

There are no animals at the Lagow cattle market.

This month our team starts their work with inspecting the horse market in Bodzentyn. Lately, the market became a place where farm equipment can be bought instead of horses. We have visited this market several times in the past months, however, we did not see a single horse being sold at this market for a long time. The situation at the Lagow cattle…

27. June 2020

Poland | Bodzentyn, Lagow | Monthly Report June: Cattle and Horse Markets

Lagow cattle market: Due to a lack buyers, the animals are not even unloaded from the lorries.

This month our team returns to the cattle market in Lago to ensure that the welfare of the animals being sold at the market is respected. Both animal markets in Lagow and Bodzentyn re-opened recently after the imposed restrictions related to COVID-19 were released.

The number of cattle present at the markets is very low. During our inspection…

30. May 2020

Poland | Bodzentyn | Monthly Report May: Cattle and Horse Markets

The chickens are packed in groups of several into the bags. Some bags do not even have a ventilation hole.

Poland is gradually lifting some of the national restrictions related to COVID-19. Therefore, the town of Bodzentyn allows animal markets to re-open. Our team can now continue with their market inspections to ensure that the welfare of the animals at the market is respected. Obligations to keep social distance at least at two meters are still in…

30. March 2020

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly Report March: Farm Animal Service

Lomno. A hematoma is causing the lameness of this horse.

This month, the work for our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team starts on a farm in Lomno. A mare on this farm is limping. We are inspection her hooves and find a hematoma. We disinfect and protect the wound with a spray. We will come back to trim the hooves after the wound healed.

Our next visit is on a farm in Nowy Jawor. We want to check whether…