26. March 2021

Italy | Florence | Inspection of a lamb transport from Poland

The members of the EU Parliament Thomas Waitz, Caroline Roose, and Tilly Metz are convincing themselves of the transport conditions of live animals in Europe.

Today, our team is accompanied by three members of the European Parliament during today's live transport controls: Tilly Metz, Caroline Roose and Thomas Waitz. The three MEP belong to the Green party and are members of the Committee of Inquiry on the Protection of Animals during Transport (ANIT). They are joining us to gather information about the…

25. March 2021

Italy | Porto Viro | Inspection of a lamb transport from Romania

Our investigation team discusses the animal welfare infringements.

Our team follows a Croatian truck with lambs on board starting at the Slovenian-Italian border. The truck loaded too many lambs. We are informing the highway police. Shortly before the scheduled inspection, the truck leaves the motorway near Venice and continues south on the national road.

It is midnight when the Italian police officers, the…

23. March 2021

Eurogroup for Animals reports about our research on Elbeik

"The animals on board the Elbeik vessel will soon be relieved from their sufferings. The vessels reached Cartagena (Spain) last Thursday with 1,600 animals still alive on board. Since the vessel left Tarragona last December heading to Libya, 189 animals have already died. 

10 dead bodies were still on board when the Elbeik docked at Cartagena,…

17. March 2021

Poland | Wachock | Helping cats and dogs in need during the COVID-19 pandemic

At the clinic: The health of every animal is carefully examined before the neutering procedure.

In March, our team continues with their work to help cats and dogs in need during the COVID-19 pandemic. There are many stray cats and dogs in Poland. In addition, many animal owners neither have enough money to neuter the animals or properly look after a growing number of animals. Therefore, managing the population growth of cats and dogs in…

16. March 2021

Livestock carrier Elbeik with 1,700 calves on bord stuck at sea since three months

The odyssey of the European calves stuck on the livestock carrier Elbeik continues. After the Elbeik left the Spanish port of Cartagena in December, it is now returning back to European waters.

In January our teams discovered the animal welfare scandal and have been working non-stop to find a solution for the animals ever since. We suspect that…

15. March 2021

ANIT Committee: Dossier presentation: "Evidence of serious and systematic infringements of Regulation (EC) No 1/2005"

Our expertise regarding systemic violations during live transports is in demand. This is why our team is presenting our dossier "Evidence of serious and systematic infringements of Regulation (EC) No 1/2005" to members of the ANIT Committee.

Our dossier summarises the systematic violations which our teams documented during inspections of EU…

08. March 2021

International media coverage about live export tragedies Karim Allah and Elbeik

Our team uncovered two scandals surrounding live transport by sea. Once again, the livestock carrier Karim Allah is involved - a vessel which we have been complaining about since 2017, as well as another livestock vessel with the name Elbeik. For several months several thousand animals were stuck on both vessels. After discovering this tragedy, we…

08. March 2021

"Dods" reports about horsemeat imports from cruel production overseas

The news agency "Dods" which is directed at Members of the EU Parliament is reporting on our investigations regarding horsemeat form cruel production overseas. We have been presenting our research beforehand to a group of MEPs in a webinar hosted by the "Intergroup for Animals". für EU-  

Read the full article here (PDF) 

08. March 2021

The Brussels Times reports on horsemeat imports from torturous production overseas

The Brussels Times reports on horsemeat imports from torturous production overseas for the EU and Switzerland. Due to our persistent investigations and publications the import of horsemeat to Switzerland decreased by 75 %. Now more EU countries must follow.  

Read the article here