25. May 2019

Poland | Bodzentyn | Monthly Report May: Cattle & Horse Markets

A neglected young bull with a Czechian ear tag.

The number of horses at the Bodzentyn market remains quite constant around 20 animals. As usual, most of the horses are bought by an Italian trader. We do not see any injured or sick animals. However, some mares have slightly overgrown hooves.

On the cattle market we see a lot of veterinary inspectors including regional veterinary officers and…

24. May 2019

Poland | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report May: Farm Animal Service

Krajno. Trimming cattle is always more challenging.

This month, our Farm Animal Service (FAS) farriers are called twice to treat lame cattle. First, they visit a farm in Krajno where a young bull has problems with walking. His front leg is deformed which causes abnormal hoof growth. We trim his claws in a way that helps to restore his balance. Then, we go to Grabkow to see another lame animal. Here,…

21. May 2019

Germany | Alliance 90/The Greens meeting on animal exports to non-EU countries

We are reporting on the risks for animals during transport in non-EU countries.

The urgent need for action concerning the export of bovines to non-EU countries is discussed at an information event by the German party "Alliance 90/The Greens" under the leadership of Bernd Voß (Member of the Landtag Schleswig-Holstein). We report on the situation of certain non-EU export routes and inform about inspection reports published by…

10. May 2019

Poland | Siedlce | Inspection with ITD Radom

A so called broiler on a transport destined for slaughter.

Our teams are in Eastern Poland to support ITD’s road police inspectors during the inspection of animal transports together with our partner organisation Eyes on Animals (Netherlands). We see one international cattle transport and several national poultry transports. We are happy that the quality of poultry vehicles and their compliance with…

29. April 2019

Poland | Bodzentyn, Lagow | Monthly Report April: Cattle & Horse Markets

We are writing down the ear tag number of an emaciated cow.

Whilst inspecting the cattle market in Lagow, our team notices a cow with overgrown hooves. We are taking photos and writing down the ear tag number. In the meantime, the trader who bought the animal to the markets starts yelling at us. The Veterinary Inspector sees the whole situation and decides to thoroughly inspect the trader`s documents and…

26. April 2019

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly Report April: Farm Animal Service

Wola Zamkowa. A happy farmer and a happy horse in brand new stable.

Our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team visits the farm in Wola Zamkowa again to check on the lame mare. So far, we do not see any progress. This is our fourth visit in total. Because our latest treatment does not work, we decide to look deeper into the hoof. Finally, we find an abscess located almost one centimetre underneath the hoof sole. We clean…

17. April 2019

Slovenia, Italy | Transport of lambs

Italian police stopping a Hungarian truck with lambs.

Every year before Easter, Italy imports tens of thousands of lambs for slaughter, mainly from Romania and Hungary. AWF|TSB teams check on the transport conditions, supported by the Italian animal welfare organisation ENPA. We inspect a total of eleven trucks, three of them together with the Italian police. All three are in breach of the EU animal…

12. April 2019

Poland, Hungary | Positive response to our sheep transport document

[Translate to English:]

The national competent authorities of Poland and Hungary respond in a very positive way to our handout about sheep transport.

Based on our experience and legal knowledge, TSB|AWF prepared a document summarising the most frequent violations found during the transport of sheep, especially lambs. In 2018 and this year before Easter – peak time…

01. April 2019

Audit by European Commission shows animal welfare not met in Raša port

Following numerous complaints by NGOs, members of the EU Parliament and media reports, the European Commission carried out an audit* in Croatian port of Raša during September 2018 and released in 2019 the report showing a disaster for European animals being exported by vessels from here to the Middle East and to North Africa.

Investigative video…