04. April 2017

Poland | Lublin - Kraśnik | Police (ITD) training – follow up

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Three animal transports inspected today with Road Transport Inspection. The first truck looked familiar, and indeed it was the same one that we inspected yesterday, with the same driver. We were pleased to see again proper conditions for the animals. The driver only received a warning for incomplete documentation under Art. 4 of Reg. 1/2005. The…

30. March 2017

Poland | Podhale | Transport of lambs from Poland to Italy

[Translate to English:] Ein verzweifeltes Lamm zeigt den Saugreflex.

We inspect a sale market of lambs in southern Poland and follow a long-distance transport from this sale to a slaughterhouse in Italy. The truck carries 800 lambs, loaded on four decks in crowded conditions and with insufficient headspace. The lambs differ in sizes and ages and most of them are still on a milk diet. The driver makes several breaks…

30. March 2017

Bulgaria | Svilengrad | Cattle exports to Turkey

[Translate to English:] Parkplatz Svilengrad – hier stehen nur Tiertransporter in der prallen Sonne.

Every day between 20-30 animal consignments are passing Bulgaria on the way to Turkey, most of the animals need a 24 hours rest in a control post according to Reg. (EC)1/2005. The Bulgarian authorities suddenly closed the Control Post of Royal Haskovo. We have no information about the reasons behind. Presently, only the newly opened control post in…

07. March 2017

Poland | Skaryszew | Inspection of horse market - Day 2

[Translate to English:] Der zweite Tag ist gemütlich und entspannt.

Today the atmosphere is much calmer. There are only about 70 warm-blooded horses (including ponies) and not too many interested buyers. Many trucks leave empty. We are waiting until the last horse leaves the market. We watch the loading of two small lorries. Both have improper ramps. Moreover, one is overloaded and tows a trailer. The trader loads…

06. March 2017

Poland | Skaryszew | Inspection of horse market - Day 1

[Translate to English:] Unpassendes Fahrzeug, Stress und schlechtes Wetter führt zu gefährlichen Situationen für die Pferde und Menschen.

There are by far fewer horses than last year, we count about 250-300. Animals are not so squeezed under the roofed area, but still there is not enough space to keep safe distance between them. Some of the horses standing next to each other try to bite and kick. Again, no one cares about feeding and watering the horses, so the basic needs of many of…

06. March 2017

Poland | Skaryszew | Police (ITD) training - inspections during 1st day of Skaryszew horse market

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After the luxury of 1.5 hours of sleep we are back on the road with ITD (Road Transport Inspection) officers to check on transports leaving the Skaryszew horse market. We witness cases of too big animals transported in too small lorries, trailers in bad technical condition and problematic international transport that leaves the market without…

05. March 2017

Poland | Skaryszew | Inspection of horse market - Nighttime

[Translate to English:] Warten auf die Öffnung der Tore.

Our Eyes on Animals and TSB|AWF team is visiting the annual horse market in Skaryszew. It takes place once a year and hundreds of horses are sold for leisure, breeding, work and slaughter. We want to check if the transport conditions and facilities for the horses at the market have changed since last year, and if our suggestions were implemented.

05. March 2017

Poland | Skaryszew | Police (ITD) training - night inspections before Skaryszew horse market

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As part of our team spends the night inspecting the horse market itself, the other part of the team joins Road Transport Inspectors (ITD) to inspect night transports of horses to the market. Some vehicles have already arrived and are arranged in a long line-up for veterinary inspection. Some are still on the way. Through the night, ITD inspectors…

28. February 2017

Poland | Monthly report February| Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Farm Animal Service

[Translate to English:] Ein Abszess ist der Grund für das Hinken der Stute.

In February our FAS team in Poland visited 24 farms. Some are visited regularly by our farriers. They trimmed hooves of 12 horses, 4 foals and claws of 1 cow. Several horses required treatment because of cracked heels, tinea or abscess in hooves. Michal and Bogdan noticed the positive effects of their trainings with farmers who were taught how to…