30. March 2022

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report March: Farm Animal Service

Rzepin: Our team checks on the teeth of a foal that stopped eating.

In March, our FAS-team starts their work by visiting two farms in Rzepin. We want to check on a foal that stopped eating. We inspect the teeth but cannot find anything wrong with them.  However, we observe that the area around foal’s nose bone seems to be swollen. Moreover, his walk looks very stiff. We advise the owner to call a veterinarian. On…

17. March 2022

8,000 animals stranded at sea: Eurogroup for Animals reports on our latest investigation

Together with our partner organisations, Compassion in World Farming (CIWF), and Animals International (AI) our investigative teams have witnessed how an old, former cargo ship with nearly 8,000 animals on board needed to be replaced while at sea. Inadequate European legislation and its poor implementation regularly lead to prolonged suffering of…

05. March 2022

PMSG investigation in Argentina: Blood farm Syntex

Inappropriate handling of the blood mares. Leather whips are used.

During a six-day investigation in Argentina, we observe the Syntex blood farm. This blood farm keeps thousands of mares from which blood is taken during pregnancy for the production of the fertility hormone PMSG. We had already filmed the violent handling of the mares during blood collection in both 2015 and 2018. There have been no improvements to…

28. February 2022

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report February: Farm Animal Service

Grabkow: An abscess is the reason for this cow’s lameness. Our team is here to help.

This month we start our work on a farm in Machocice. Even though this farm is not part of our ATET-programme, our team is looking after a limping cow. The prevention of animal suffering is always our priority. The young animal is suffering from overgrown claws. Our farriers take care of the problem immediately. During the process the cow is very…

10. February 2022

Czech Republic | Rozvadov | Transport of calves to Spain

Looking for food, the hungry calves keep licking each other and the bars.

Not an individual case: Calves are fed insufficiently at control posts (supply stables) in France on a regular basis. Our investigations from the last years prove this.

The same is true today. Our team is accompanied by journalists and Caroline Roose, Member of the European Parliament. We observe a transport of calves on its way from the Czech…

31. January 2022

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly Report January: Farm Animal Service

Jeziorko. Our FAS team is trimming the hooves of a recently bought mare.

In January, our Farm Animal Service team (FAS) starts with their work on a farm in Szerzawy. Here, a limping bull needs our help. During trimming, we find an abscess in one of his claws. We clean and disinfect the wound. However, it will take a few days before the wound is fully healed and the bull can walk without pain again. 

Next, our team is…

31. December 2021

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report December: Farm Animal Service

Skorzeszyce. The trimming of the hooves goes fast and smoothly thanks to a helper.

In December, the weather is not very kind to our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team and the animals in the region. It is very cold and windy.  

First, our team drives to Niedospielin. The owner decided to decrease his herd. He is planning to sell three horses. We deworm one of his foals and trim the hooves of a mare. Next, we visit a farm in…

31. December 2021

Poland | Bodzentyn | Monthly Report December: Last inspection of the cattle and bird market

Bodzentyn cattle market. Our team is talking with the traders.

During our inspection in December, we only count about 100 cattle offered for sale at the market. Most of them are young animals. Even though the price for cattle is very low at the moment, there are not many interested buyers. Many animals will return to their original farms after the market closes. On both markets, the cattle and the bird market,…

30. December 2021

Poland | Bodzentyn | Monthly Report November: Animal Markets

Our team member Bogdan looks after the injured pigeon.

During all our inspection days in November, the number of animals at the cattle market remains low. There are never more than 150 animals present at the market. We do not see any neglected or injured animals. However, we spot an injured pigeon and take it home with us to look after it. Unfortunately, our help came too late. Sadly, the bird passed…