Investigations by country:

29. September 2020

Poland | Bodzentyn, Lagow | Monthly Report September: Cattle and Horse Markets

Bodzentyn. Our team notices a cow with overgrown claws and reports this case to the competent authorities.

Our team is inspecting the animal markets in Bodzentyn and Lagow. At the horse market we do not see a single horse. It becomes ever more typical that there are no horses being sold at the Bodzentyn horse market anymore.

At the Lagow cattle market our team only documents three cows.  However, the traders keep haggling for over an hour. We hear the…

23. September 2020

Poland | Opoczno | Verdict in the case of an injured cow

The cow suffered heavily from an ingrown horn which caused chronic pain.

Today we are at court in Opoczno. We have been invited to a hearing on the verdict in an animal abuse case. A cow has been severely neglected by the owners. The animal suffered from an ingrown horn that caused chronic pain.

It has been a long fight for justice. In December 2018 our team found the injured animal during an inspection at the…

22. September 2020

Germany | Bautzen | Training on Animal Transports: Day 2

During the practical part of our training police officers and official veterinarians are controling animal transport vehicles.

On the second day of our training on animal transports we are inspecting live transports together with the attendants near Bautzen. Within three hours we find a national transport and the course attendants get the chance to put their theoretical knowledge from the day before on the test.

The transport is loaded with cows and calves in a separate…

21. September 2020

Germany | Bautzen | Training on Animal Transports: Day 1

Today, our team is in Bautzen. Together with veterinarian Dr. A. Rabitsch we are holding a seminar on the EU Regulation (EC) 1/2005 on live transport. Our training is targeted for police officers and official veterinarians. In total, 23 police officers and four veterinarians are attending our training in Bautzen.

Our training consists of a…

31. August 2020

Poland | Bodzentyn, Lagow | Monthly Report August: Cattle and Horse Markets

Lagow. For unknown reasons the market is closed today.

Our team is on their way to the cattle market in Lagow. We want to inspect the market for animal welfare violations. When we arrive, we are surprised to find out that the entrance to the market is closed. The market is not operating today. However, we cannot find out why. We will look into this and continue with our animal welfare inspections as…

31. August 2020

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report August: Farm Animal Service

Pokrzywianka. Helping suffering animals in need is our first our priority.

This year, our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team has been forced to pause their work for several months due to the coronavirus pandemic. Since July our team is out in the field again. However, many animals did not receive any trimming during our absence. Therefore, our farriers currently receive many calls from farmers asking for help.

Our first…

31. July 2020

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report July: Farm Animal Service

Michalow. Our team is placing a special horseshoe on a foal’s hoof. It turns out to be a quite challenging task.

The coronavirus crisis forced our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team to pause their work for three months. Finally, we can continue with our field work programme ATET. Our programme is focused on helping farm animals in need. Due to the long-enforced break, we receive a lot of calls this month from farmers asking for our help. The coronavirus crisis…

30. July 2020

France | Port of Sète | Live transports by sea

Our team observes how dock workers are loading the ETAB with straw for the next journey.

Our team is in France for an investigation in the EU port of Sète. From this port, live animals from Europe are often shipped across the Mediterranean to the Maghreb states and the Middle East.

During our investigation, we document two animal transport ships in the port of Sète: ALONDRA (year of construction: 1995) and ETAB (year of construction:…

28. July 2020

Belgium | Flemish Region | Transport of unweaned calves to France

The calves have not been supplied with milk replacer during transport. They show visible signs of hunger by mooing loudly and biting on the bars of the truck.

Our team is investigating in Belgium to monitor the transport of unweaned calves. The term “unweaned” is used to describe calves up to the age of eight weeks since these young animals are still reliant on milk.

On our first investigation day, we covertly observe how livestock trucks from Germany are delivering calves to a Belgian assembly centre…