Investigations by date:

29. June 2019

Poland | Bodzentyn | Monthly Report June: Cattle & Horse Markets

We observe an emaciated cow at the Lagow cattle market.

Whilst inspecting the market in Bodzentyn we notice two cows with overgrown hooves. Many animals are not sold and are going back to the farms because of the low price for bovines. The market gets empty before 8 AM. The situation is similar in Lagow. Here as well, the trade ends very early. It looks like animal markets in Poland might be about to…

28. June 2019

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report June: Farm Animal Service

Zlotniki. Now, the dog can run around freely without any risk of escaping through the poor-quality fence.

First, we return to a farm in Zlotniki to implement our idea which will allow the dog to run around freely the narrow yard. We install a metal wire that goes from one side of the yard to the fence at the other end. Then, we attach a lightweight chain to this wire which allows dog to run without risk of escaping through the poor-quality fence. The…

19. June 2019

Poland | Bydgoszcz | Animal Transport Training for ITD Bydgoszcz

In the theoretical part of the training, the participants learn the requirements of the EU regulation for the protection of animals during transport.

Our team arrives in Bydgoszcz, central Poland, together with our partner organisation Eyes on Animals to train the road transport inspection (ITD) in inspecting animal transports.

Day 1:
As usual in our training programme, is devoted to theory and reintroducing the audience to the provisions of Regulation 1/2005 that governs animal transport in…

18. June 2019

Partial sucess: Hungary stopps animal transports during summer

Today, our team receives information from the Ministry of Agriculture in Hungary that animal transports from and through Hungary to Turkey will be banned from 21st of June on in case of extreme summer heat along the route to Turkey.

This is a great success of our work during the last years, where we informed Ministries about the tremendous…

25. May 2019

Poland | Bodzentyn | Monthly Report May: Cattle & Horse Markets

A neglected young bull with a Czechian ear tag.

The number of horses at the Bodzentyn market remains quite constant around 20 animals. As usual, most of the horses are bought by an Italian trader. We do not see any injured or sick animals. However, some mares have slightly overgrown hooves.

On the cattle market we see a lot of veterinary inspectors including regional veterinary officers and…

24. May 2019

Poland | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report May: Farm Animal Service

Krajno. Trimming cattle is always more challenging.

This month, our Farm Animal Service (FAS) farriers are called twice to treat lame cattle. First, they visit a farm in Krajno where a young bull has problems with walking. His front leg is deformed which causes abnormal hoof growth. We trim his claws in a way that helps to restore his balance. Then, we go to Grabkow to see another lame animal. Here,…

21. May 2019

Germany | Alliance 90/The Greens meeting on animal exports to non-EU countries

We are reporting on the risks for animals during transport in non-EU countries.

The urgent need for action concerning the export of bovines to non-EU countries is discussed at an information event by the German party "Alliance 90/The Greens" under the leadership of Bernd Voß (Member of the Landtag Schleswig-Holstein). We report on the situation of certain non-EU export routes and inform about inspection reports published by…

10. May 2019

Poland | Siedlce | Inspection with ITD Radom

A so called broiler on a transport destined for slaughter.

Our teams are in Eastern Poland to support ITD’s road police inspectors during the inspection of animal transports together with our partner organisation Eyes on Animals (Netherlands). We see one international cattle transport and several national poultry transports. We are happy that the quality of poultry vehicles and their compliance with…

29. April 2019

Poland | Bodzentyn, Lagow | Monthly Report April: Cattle & Horse Markets

We are writing down the ear tag number of an emaciated cow.

Whilst inspecting the cattle market in Lagow, our team notices a cow with overgrown hooves. We are taking photos and writing down the ear tag number. In the meantime, the trader who bought the animal to the markets starts yelling at us. The Veterinary Inspector sees the whole situation and decides to thoroughly inspect the trader`s documents and…