16. January 2020

Times of Israel: Calves who survived Australian fires sent to Israel for slaughter

Source: Times of Israel

Our partner organisation Israel Against Live Shipments (IALS) sent us a report about the following case: 

More than one billion animals died during the Austrialian bush fires. But the live export business carries on as usual. As our partner organisation reports, 11,000 calves were saved from the fires only to be shipped abroad to Israel for…

30. December 2019

Poland | Bodzentyn, Lagow | Monthly Report December: Cattle & Horse Markets

Cattle market. Since there are not so many animals being sold, the market gets empty quite early.

This month, we assume that there will be much more animals at the cattle market because Christmas is upcoming. Nevertheless, we do not see more animals than usual. We do not observe any injured or neglected animals, either. The veterinary inspector is controlling the trucks. Later, we are informed they are going to inspect every market until…

20. December 2019

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly Report December: Farm Animal Service

Sadlowice. We are cutting the claws of two cows. They are too long.

Our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team is called to the farm in Dabrowa where two stallions have problems with eating. We are checking their teeth. They are very sharp, and we must trim them. During trimming we discover that one of the stallions has a wisdom tooth that needs to be removed as well. After the treatment our team is visiting another farm.…

09. December 2019

Germany | Sigmaringen | Administrative court ignores expert opinons on long-distant transports of calves

Another setback regarding our long-standing research on the transport of calves:  In a verdict form 9th of December 2019, the district office of Ravensburg was asked to approve a transport of 149 calves from the German town Bad Waldsee to Spain. The district office has denied to approve long-distance transports of calves with reference to the "Live…

04. December 2019

Germany | Trier-Saarburg | Transport of calves via assembly centres to Spain

Transporters with calves from Germany on their way to France.

In November and December 2019, transports of unweaned calves to Spain are not approved in the German state of Baden-Würrtemberg due to transport restrictions. However, our team reveals that calves are still being transported to Spain via assembly centres. This practise is also referred to as "assembly centre hopping".

Calves from Southern Germany…

30. November 2019

Poland | Bodzentyn, Lagow | Monthly Report November: Horse and Cattle Markets

It becomes more and more typical that there are no horses being sold at the Bodzentyn horse market anymore.

Once again, there is not a single horse at the Bodzentyn horse market. We only see stands with different kind of products, such as as food or farm equipment that is being sold. This situation has already been the case twice this month.

However, at the cattle market the number of the animals is slightly increasing. We calculate that there…

28. November 2019

Strasbourg | France | EU-Parliament hearing on the protection of unweaned animals during transport

We are presenting the main animal welfare problems occuring during long distance transports of unweaned animals to the MEPs.

We are invited by the Eurogroup For Animals, to participate in the hearing of the EU-Parliament on the implementation of the regulation on the transportation of unweaned animals. The hearing was held on Thursday, 28. November by the initiative Intergroup on the Welfare & Conservation of the Animals in Strasbourg.

Our team has been proving for…

22. November 2019

Poland | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Monthly Report November: Farm Animal Service

Dabrowa Dolna. Our FAS team is trimming the claws of a limping cow.

This month, our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team starts their work visiting a farm in Dabrowa Dolna. Here, we are treating two limping cows. After trimming the claws of the animals we talk with the owner about the possibility of joining to our programme. We are leave him information about the programme, as well as our rules and…

13. November 2019

Argentina | San Vicente, province of Buenos Aires | Raúl Onorato’s farm

An emaciated mare with prominent bones on Onorato’s pasture.

We first visited Raúl Onorato’s farm in San Vicente at the end of August, after the confiscation of some of his horses in the “field of horror” in Ezeiza. At that time, we saw no horses at his farm. Today, 2½ months later, there are several hundreds of horses on his pastures. It is a sunny day but the animals have no shade available, not even from…