07. November 2019

Germany | Kassel | Event about Animal Exports to EU Third Countries

We are invited for a speech at an event held by two farmers associations in Germany.

The Kreisbauernverband Kassel e.V. and the Regionalbauernverband Kurhessen e. V. invited us for a speech to an event about animal exports to EU third countries to Kassel. Farmers are unsure which information they can trust and what to believe. The veterinary services are not approving any transports to third countries, the exporters claim there are…

04. November 2019

Poland | Wachock | Brand new dog houses for animals in need

Wachock. The owner of a carpentry workshop has built eight dog houses for dogs in need.

We receive a surprise by a German carpenter, Mr Olivier, from Darmstadt who has a carpentry workshop in Poland close to Wachock. He approves of the work of our NGO in Poland and decides to support us with a free delivery of eight doghouses. He built the dog houses from left over materials in his workshop. We are very happy about his generous…

30. October 2019

Argentina | Ezeiza, province of Buenos Aires | “Field of horror” of Raúl Onorato

The confiscated horses must stay in Ezeiza for more than two months.

In August, 400 malnourished and dying horses were confiscated in Ezeiza from the Onorato family clan, who is known to have been delivering stolen horses to EU-approved slaughterhouses for many years. The horses are now in the care of our Argentinian partner CRRE (Centro de Rescate y Rehabilitación Equino).

The authorities do not allow the horses…

28. October 2019

Poland | Bodzentyn, Lagow| Monthly Report October: Cattle & Horse Markets

We will try to convince the owner of this female dog to neuter her.

Our team is inspecting the horse market in Bodzentyn. This time, we only see ten horses. They are being selected for an Italian trader. The animals present look healthy and the loading is carried out professionally and  properly. On another day, the market is empty. There is not a single horse.

During our inspection at cattle market, we notice two…

25. October 2019

Poland | Swietokrzyskie | Monthly Report October: Farm Animal Service

Brody. Our team is trimming the hooves of a limping mare.

On our first visit this month, our Farm Animal Service (FAS) team is going back to Zlotniki to speak with the owner about his dog and reprimand him because he locked the dog away in a barn again. We let the dog out and inform the owner about the consequences if he will do it again. This is our last warning.

On our next visit, we are called to the…

24. October 2019

USA | Shelby | Bouvry’s horse assembly centre

The horses are kept in muddy pens without shelter or dry resting places.

Together with our partner Animals’ Angels USA, we have been monitoring the horse feedlot in Shelby, Montana, for many years. The feedlot serves as the US assembly centre for Bouvry, the largest Canadian horse slaughterhouse. Our previous investigations have uncovered tremendous abuse and neglect.

We return to Shelby in October 2019 and observe the…

18. October 2019

License denied for long-distance transport vehicles for unweaned calves

In a report by the Friedrich-Löffler-Institute (FLI), Federal Research Institute for Animal Health, the license for a special vehicle for the long-distant transports of so called unweaned calves (2-8 weeks old) was denied. This vehicle type is equipped with pivot drinkers which were supposed to ensure that calves are provided with the supplies they…

02. October 2019

Belgium | Brussels | Live Transports by Sea: Petition to the EU Parliament

Our lawyer, Manuela Giacomini, giving a speech at the EU parliament regarding the violations seen over the last years by AWF|TSB teams during sea transports of live animals

Our lawyer, Manuela Giacomini, gave a speech at the meeting of the Committee on Petitions (PETI) of the EU parliament regarding the violations during sea transports of live animals which are subject of our petitions No. 0629 /2016 and No. 1231/2017. The issue of live exports by road was already discussed in 2018, after our petition on the systemic…

28. September 2019

Poland | Bodzentyn, Lagow | Monthly Report September: Cattle & Horse Markets

Walking with such overgrown claws is difficult and painful.

Whilst inspecting the cattle market we notice three cows with overgrown hooves. When we try to write down their ear tag numbers, we are blocked by the cows’ owner. He behaves nervously and loads his animals onto the truck. We are only able to take one picture and write down the registration number of one ear tag. We are going to report this case to…