12. July 2018

Spain | Cartagena | Loading of suffering animals onto vessels (day 2)

[Translate to English:] Mehrere Tiertransporter parken in der prallen Sonne und warten auf die Entladung und Verladung der Tiere auf die "Spiridon II".

The vessels “Amira Lola” and “Freedom” already left to Lebanon and Libya, where horrible slaughter methods are waiting for the animals on board. Meanwhile, today more trucks loaded with animals from all over Europe are arriving by the road to load two other vessels: “Captain Badr” and “Spiridon II”. Our team observes the unprofessional loading of…

12. July 2018

Spain | Cartagena | Loading of suffering animals onto vessels (day 1)

[Translate to English:] Das Tiertransportschiff Amira Lola wird beladen.

We observe how two gigantic empty ships: “Amira Lola” and “Freedom” arrive to the port. At the same time first trucks loaded with thousands of animals are arriving by the road to load the vessels. The animals on board of trucks are already exhausted, showing heat stress symptoms. Sadly, our team documents animals in agony that probably will die…

12. July 2018

Spain | Cartagena | Sea transport

[Translate to English:] Wir beobachten die Ankunft von Tiertransportschiffen

In the beginning of June, AWF|TSB team travels 2000 km to Cartagena (Spain), where one of the main exit ports of live animals to non-European countries is located. The demand for fresh meat has exponentially increased in the last weeks due to the celebration of the end of the Ramadan, and consequently, thousands of animals will travel to the Middle…

30. June 2018

Poland | Bodzentyn, Lagow | Monthly report June cattle & horse markets

Cow with a hand written eart tag. Selling and buying this animal is not allowed.

This month, our Polish team has visited animal markets six times. Both places are calm and not very busy. We observe fewer animals. Once, at the horse market, no one shows up. This situation has happened for the first time since TSB|AWF controls this place.
At cattle market, we observe several cows with ovegrown hooves. We also notice a new trader…

30. June 2018

Poland | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Monthly Report June: Farm Animal Service (FAS)

In Podgorze we apply an antiparasitic agent for the dogs.

In June, our Polish farriers visited 15 farms, trimmed 9 horses and dewormed 1 mare. They have signed three new contracts with farmers in Swieradowice, Psary Podlazy and Nowy Skoszyn. The farm in Swieradowice is one we used to visit in the past. We have not been here for a while and we are happy to see big changes since our last visit: two new…

27. June 2018

Poland | Silesia | Meeting with Mayor of Myszkow

[Translate to English:] Mit dem Bürgermeister im Hundeheim von Zawiercie.

Our team in Poland went to Myszkow in Silesia region to learn more about their method of reducing number of homeless dogs in the shelter. Myszków is one of very few municipalities which have resolved this problem scientifically. They started in 2010, when the current Mayor won the elections. At that time there were almost 300 homeless dogs in the…

27. June 2018

Uruguay | Argentina | Horsemeat production

[Translate to English:] Schlachthof Lamar, Argentinien: Kein Witterungsschutz für die Pferde.

Our follow-up investigation in Argentina and Uruguay in November and December 2017 showed that nothing has changed since our first investigation in 2012. We documented once again the whole production chain: horse collection centres, rodeos, transports and EU-approved slaughterhouses. At all places visited, horses are still systematically mistreated…

22. June 2018

Germany | Bad Waldsee | Export of unweaned calves by Rinderunion

[Translate to English:]

Our team has been observing the exports of unweaned calves from the Rinderunion at Bad Waldsee for more than a year now. The transporter S. Röck is required by the competent authorities to feed the calves mid-journey at the control post of Bardy Bresse in France, before the animals are carried on to the assembly centre  in Vic/ Spain. In autum 2017…

25. May 2018

Uruguay | Canelones | Horse slaughterhouses

Broken shelters are provisionally repaired before the audit of the EU-Commission.

Our team observes the slaughterhouses Clay and Sarel in Uruguay before, during and after audits of the EU Commission and of European importers in order to detect any changes. Both plants prepare themselves for the announced audits and thus manipulate their outcome. Broken shelters are provisionally repaired, and horses with serious injuries and…