20. April 2018

Poland | Bodzentyn, Lagow | Monthly report March cattle & horse markets

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In March, our team in Poland visited animal markets 9 times. Most of the horses brought to the market are selected for two dealers who buy animals in Bodzentyn regularly. Both belong to Italians. One company still transports horses to Italy. The other one has stopped and slaughters horses much closer, in Poland.
On the cattle market, the situation…

17. April 2018

Uruguay | Canelones | Horse slaughterhouses

A horse that arrived seriously injured is left unattended at slaughterhouse Clay.

Our team returns to Uruguay in April 2018 in order to see if the conditions at the EU-approved slaughterhouses Clay and Sarel have improved. This is not the case, despite the repeated assurances of the Swiss and EU horsemeat importers. In the slaughterhouse pens, we once again find many injured, weak and emaciated horses, as well as pregnant mares…

17. April 2018

Poland| Bodzentyn, Lagow | Monthly report February cattle & horse markets

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In February our team visited the cattle and horse markets 10 times. Nowadays, the average number of cattle at the market is around 350 and around 30 for horses. We noticed only 7 cows with overgrown hooves, 2 emaciated ones and 2 with injuries on ischial bones (including a cow from Germany). The general condition of observed horses is good we did…

17. April 2018

Poland | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report February FAS

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In February, our FAS team visited 8 farms and twice the cattle market in Lagow. They singed five new contracts with farmers interesting in improving living conditions of their animals. We noticed positive change in attitude of some farmers who were not very cooperative previously. We were convinced they would not be interested in joining our…

02. March 2018

Poland | Kielce region | Inspection with ITD Kielce

A calve that has been tied with a rope around its horns.

On a very cold early morning TSB|AWF and EonA team helped the Road Transport Inspection (ITD) from Kielce assess the transport conditions of cattle. It was not our first time in this area, and we were happy to see that after previously imposed sanctions, the cattle was not transported on 2 decks in the swanneck. Unfortunately, two out of 3…

01. March 2018

Poland | Voivodship Swietokrzyskie | Monthly report November FAS

[Translate to English:] Erste Verträge mit Tierhaltern sind unterzeichnet.



In November, our FAS team in Poland started implementing new formula of Farm Animal Service programme. Our goal is to increase effectiveness of improving animal living conditions at Polish farms in swietokrzyskie region. We want to encourage owners of farms where improvement was needed, but motivation to change was lacking. In the new FAS…

01. March 2018

Poland | Skaryszew | Horse market and inspections of vehicles with ITD

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Third time in a row, the TSB|AWF team visit the annual horse market in Skaryszew, central Poland. Most of the team spend long cold hours (real feel temperature between -2˚C and -9˚C)  observing the market and its surroundings, while one team member joins the ITD (Road Transport Inspection) officers to inspect trucks bringing the animals to and from…

20. February 2018

USA | Montana | Shelby| Bouvry Exports Bar S Feedlot

[Translate to English:] Es gibt noch immer keinen Witterungsschutz für die Pferde in Shelby.

30-31.10.2017: We visit the Bar S Feedlot in Shelby, Montana, which serves the Canadian slaughterhouse Bouvry as a collection station for slaughter horses purchased at auctions across the US. We immediately notice that the feedlot is under its capacity and there are empty pens. The horses still do not have shelter and thus no protection from sun,…

20. February 2018

USA | Montana | Billings Horse Auction

[Translate to English:] Pferde werden in stark verschmutzten Pferchen gehalten.

We return to the monthly horse sale held in Billings. The auction, which is one of the largest horse sales in the country, markets approximately 700 horses each time and attracts hundreds of buyers from the surrounding states. We arrive early, but the pens are already crowded. The loose horses are kept in the larger pens at the back of the…