16. November 2016

Poland | Gdańsk | Police (ITD) training – theory

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In Gdańsk we are giving a training to another big and diversify group consisting of ITD inspectors, police, veterinary inspection and border control officials. The group is very interested, asks a lot of questions. We are happy to see active participation of representatives of different authorities and a lot of potential for future cooperation.

15. November 2016

Poland | Olsztyn | Police (ITD) training – practical part

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Today we are joining WITD inspectors to perform are the practical part of our trainings on the road. The ITD team is splitting, each car going to a different location looking for animal transports. This way, even though in this area there are hardly any international transports, and few short distance ones, the inspectors stop three trucks. We…

14. November 2016

Poland | Olsztyn | Police (ITD) training – theory

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Olsztyn has a group of 30 ITD (Road Inspection) inspectors and two policemen ready to listen to our training on Reg. (EC) 1/2005. Owing to the geography of the region and very long driving times for some inspectors, we have to make our training shorter than usual, but we manage to cover the most important aspects of animal transport inspections,…

10. November 2016

Spain | Barcelona | Animal Transport Guides

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Today our team is present at the last meeting of the working group for the Sheep Transport Guides as part of an European project called Animal Transport Guides (http://animaltransportguides.eu/). At the meeting different stakeholders are present to express their concerns regarding animal welfare during the transport of sheep. The objective is to…

29. October 2016

Uruguay | Tranqueras | Slaughter horse collecting station | Horsemeat import

[Translate to English:] Pferd mit hervorstehenden Hüftknochen und Rippen.

When we arrive at the collecting station of horse dealer Bardanca in Tranqueras, we see about 20 horses on the fields at the edge of the forest. The land Bardanca rents from the forestry company Weyerhaeuser is vast and there are likely more horses inside the eucalyptus plantation but cannot be seen from the road.

We note that several horses are…

29. October 2016

Uruguay | Tacuarembó | Auction market | Horsemeat import

[Translate to English:] Abgemagerte und ermattete Pferde stehen in der prallen Sonne.

At 9:30, driving north in direction of Rivera, we see a huge pen area with cattle and horses next to the road and decide to stop by. Gauchos on horseback tell us that a livestock auction sale took place yesterday and that the animals are going to be loaded today.

Most of the pens hold cattle; there are three pens with horses. Two of these pens…

01. October 2016

Poland | Poznan | Conference “Practises towards animals in 21st century”

[Translate to English:] Unsere Repräsentantin stellt die Projekte des TSB/AWF in einer Rede kurz vor. (Aufgenommen von Bartosz Bajer)

The main aim of the conference organized by Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan University of Life Sciences and NGO “Otwarte Klatki” (member of Eurogroup) was to create opportunities for interdisciplinary discussion on the various manifestations and ways of treating farm and laboratory animals and pets. The subjects were very diversified:…

27. September 2016

Poland | Katowice | Police training – practical part

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Early morning, in the company of ITD, Police, Veterinary Inspection and Customs Officers we go to a service area by E40 highway. Soon an empty chicken truck is stopped, giving a great opportunity to carefully inspect the vehicle, as a result of which a few areas of concern are found. Next, the inspectors stop two pig transports. In one of the…

26. September 2016

Poland | Katowice | Police training – theory

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In Katowice, a 60-person-strong and diversified group has gathered for our theoretical training. Besides WITD inspectors, there are representatives of Police, Veterinary Inspection and Customs Officers. The audience listens carefully. During breaks we are getting requests for trainings for other authorities.