25. September 2016

Uruguay | Cerro Chato | Long-distance horse race | Horsemeat import

[Translate to English:] Die zahlreichen offenen Wunden werden zugenäht.

While we are following the horses in our car and listening to the radio commenting the “raid” (long-distance race), we hear that a horse went down shortly before the finish. When the three horses winning the race approached the end of the 105 km distance, the second placed one broke down. According to the radio commentator, the horse rolled over…

20. September 2016

Germany | Cologne | Lecture on Ritual Saughter and Ethics at ABI (Akademischer Bund Interkulturell)

[Translate to English:]

The Academic Organisation for Culture, an Islamic Institution in Cologne (Germany), invited our inspector Asalet Sancakdaroglu to give a talk about animal-welfare and in particular Ritual slaughter. The presentation was 3-hours long and the audience was very attentive and interested. Asalet explained the essence of the Islamic requirements for…

17. September 2016

Poland | Bodzentyn | Cattle market

[Translate to English:] Kuh mit überwachsenen Hufen.

Today our team counts about 500-600 animals (a lot of bulls and calves). Most of animalsseem to be in good general condition. Most of traders still refuse to use halters. Team observes few emaciated cows with overgrown hooves, few non-milked cows and one with huge swollen udder. Due to the strict enforcement of the authorities all traders…

12. September 2016

Ireland | Dublin | Meeting with representatives of the Ministry regarding sea transport of animals

[Translate to English:] Bullen, die gerade auf ein Schiff nach Libanon verladen wurden.

Our team meets with representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Marine in order to discuss the approval of vessels and the implementation of sea transports. Ireland is the only Member State of the European Union that has stricter requirements than EU Regulation 1/2005. Animals can only be exported on vessels approved in Ireland.…

10. September 2016

Poland | Bodzentyn | Cattle market

[Translate to English:] Kuh legt sich hin.

Today few Vet Inspectors and Road Police (ITD) inspect the market in Bodzentyn. They check carefully trucks transporting livestock. About half past 6 our teamobserves a cow (PL005166711708) lying down just after being unloaded. Market vet orders to water her and give her some rest. Even though the cow eats and drinks, she isn’t able to get up on…

29. August 2016

Bulgaria | Inspections of transports to Turkey

[Translate to English:] Tiertransport auf der Fahrt zur türkischen Grenze.

Our AWF/ EonA teams stays at the Bulgarian side of the border between Kapitan Andreevo/ Bulgaria and Kapikule/ Turkey and observes the arrival times of animals at the border.  A French journalist from ARTE is accompanying us. The trade is comparably slow, with approximately 10 animal trucks per day. We inspect a certain number of trucks, who are…

29. August 2016

Turkey | Border at Kapikule | EU animal exportsto Turkey

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Our team has inspected today 15 road transport vehicles transporting live bovines from EU member states to Turkey. The majority of animals have been found to be in a good condition. However we have found one truck that carried 2 young newborn calves that have been born during the journey to two German heifers.

That should have not happened. The…

29. August 2016

USA | Shelby - Montana | Bar S Feedlot | Horsemeat import

[Translate to English:] Eine abgemagerte Stute mit hervorstehenden Hüfthöckern.

The Bar S Feedlot in Shelby, Montana, is operated on behalf of the Canadian horse slaughter plant Bouvry in Alberta. The massive feedlot holds approximately 1’600 horses and serves as a collecting station for US horses purchased for Bouvry in various US states. The horses spend sometimes months inside the feedlot to be fattened up before they are…

28. August 2016

USA | Billings - Montana | Horse auction | Horsemeat import

[Translate to English:] Ein Pferd hält sein schmerzendes Bein hoch.

The horse auction in Billings is one of the largest monthly horse sales in the country. Due to its close proximity to the Canadian border, the sale is very popular among kill buyers. Each month, approximately 400 horses are sold to slaughter.

The “slaughter prospects” are kept in an extensive, shelter-less outdoor pen area. 30 to 40 horses are…